Thursday, September 10, 2009

Discussion questions for pp. 162-172

Answer the following questions as you read the section:

1. How did the English Parliament affect the economic development of the colonies?

2. What initiated most of the conflicts that arose in the interior portions of North America?

3. Why did early British efforts to gain portions of the frontier fail?

4. How did the British war effort before William Pitt's tenure as British secretary of state compare afterwards?

5. What finally turned the tide of battle in the British's favor?

6. Agree/disagree: the removal of the French from North America only emboldened Great Britain to tighten their grip on the colonies.

7. In what ways did the war affect how the colonists and British viewed each other?

8. While Pitt's decisions enabled Britain to win the French and Indian War, did they account for long term consquences? How/how not?


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  2. 1.
    Parliament was more into the rule after the reign of Queen Anne. They started focusing more on colonial affairs. They changed economic regulation by adding new products like copper and tar to be shipped to England always first. Parliament also tried to stop the North Americans from trading with other countries by passing the Molasses Act in 1733. They basically tried to own the production of the colonies.

    The tensions of the French and English colonists initiated the conflicts. A lot of English settlers started moving into the west where many trading post were. This area was mainly controlled by the French though so the French started blocking English from penetrating in. This started to form conflicts which would disrupt the balance of power in North America and also in Europe.

    The British tried to gain the support if the Iroquois to help them fight the French. The Iroquois refused to help them fight though because they were still not happy since the Kayaderossera partners tried to take a million acres of land from the Iroquois.

    The British War effort before Williams Pitt’s tenure was made up of a much smaller amount of troops. Braddock went into Fort Duquesne with close to 2000 men. After losing that battle the French gained a lot of Indian support which made the British loses most of fights in 1756. But Pitt started putting in a lot more troops. He brought in 23000 British soldiers and 14000 mariners.

    William’s Pitt’s troops started winning a lot of battles in 1958. This made the Iroquois to start joining British influence. This would help the British defeat the French in 1960 after the capture of Montreal.

    I agree with this. After the seven years war the English separated the Indians and English through racial boundaries. This gave the English a better chance to focus on the English colonies. Also the war caused heavier taxes which would slowly cause the English parliament to get stricter and harsher to colonies.

    The colonists after the war felt a new kind of identity and pride. They would feel they had a lot of advantages of being alone. But the British viewed the colonists as bad war fighters, they were unreliable. They believe they aren’t able to govern themselves.

    William Pitt made the plan only to defeat the French and help the English gain more routes. Pitt’s plan did not account for long term affects. His big armies used a lot of men and weaponry and as in every war, debt forms. The economy went down a lot after the war and a lot of colonists had to struggle with poverty. Pitt also didn’t realize that with the French gone, the parliament would focus and become stricter on colonies.

  3. 1 Because King George was German and spoke little English, much of the governing fell in charge of the Parliament. Parliament then began to control the trade of the colonies. They passed laws and taxes such as the Molasses Acts in order to get the colonies to buy from England. They also passed laws to eliminate the Colonial iron companies in order to benefit English companies.

    2 As the colonial population grew, the demand for more land increased. Additionally driven by the fur trade, colonists began settling near the Ohio River valley in French Territory. In response the French expelled the British and built a series of forts from the Ohio River to the Great Lakes. Because a Virginia company built a fur trading post in this forbidden land, Washington was then sent out to reclaim it. This then turned into a skirmish which led to the war.

    3 The British early attempts on the frontier failed because the hand many poorly trained colonial troops and lacked Indian allies. In addition the French and Indian forces at the time were expert woodland fighters while the British were not.

    4 The British War effort improved dramatically after Pitt became the Secretary of State. Instead of fighting primarily in Europe, Pitt turned and through most of England military might at the Americas. Soon the British began to win battle after battle and gained support from the Iroquois.

    5 The British finally gained the upper hand after they had won a few important battles which convinced the Iroquois to support the British.

    6 I disagree; I believe that in the long run the British would have possibly loosened their control of the colonies. After the war debt would be paid off, that the British would then loosen their control because there would be one less trading partner to trade with for the colonies and the colonies would be more dependent of England any way.

    7 After the war the Colonists felt proud of their victory and felt as if they had put themselves on the map. On the other hand the British viewer the Colonists as troublesome, poor fighters and unfit to govern.

    8 Pitts victory in the war helped England for the long term because England now had control of the fur trade in the Americas and increases their power in the Atlantic trade. A negative aspect is that it brought poverty and devastation to the colonies which would build up hatred that would led to the revolution.

  4. 1. Parliment had created a vice-admirality courts because King George were weaker rulers. Parliment enforced more British policies in the colonies. The British passed acts like the Molasas act, it crippled american economy. The british also limited America's iron production.

    2.The conflict was more westward because of the growing expansion of America and the french and english conflicts. The french did not want the english to expand and built forts in the Ohio valley. Also there was more land for the Americans in the west, the english colonies population had raised. the more they moved the closer they got to the French trading with indians. This was a real conflict.

    3. The British had tried to get help from the Native Americans to fight the French. Because of this advantage the french had gotten beaten out and british got the land.

    4.With William Pitt the Americas had more of a fighting force. Because of this increase in help from the military the Bitish began to win.

    5.The French didnt have a chance against the united force of The indians and the british. The British finally was winning more.

    6. I disagree, because England was greatly weakend from the war. It is trying to help itself. A more controling hand in the colonies would need to be stable enough to go past itself, but focus to a greater extend on just a colony.

    7. THe war changed colonies because leaders got experience from the war such as: George Washington, Samuel Adams, Benjamin franklin, Patrick Henry and Chrisopher Gadsden. THe colonists themelseves had a new sense of self. They began rethinking about being under the english. The british viewed the colonists as lowly.

    8. In long term speaking it was worse that the british won. Without that victory how would the American's have began thinking about breaking off from the english?they were too proud and england's economy was too low after the war.


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