Wednesday, December 9, 2009

FTR reading

Read pages 282-298 in your FTR book... answer the questions at the end of the section.

Monday, December 7, 2009


After our discussions about Jefferson's presidency, is it fair to call him a hypcrite? Post two comments, one your answer/opinion on the matter, and a second in response to your classmates.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Washington's Presidency

After perusing pages 258-274, answer the following questions based on the reading. In addition to answering the questions, feel free to post any observations that you made while reading this section. Post two comments on the blog, the first being your answers and the second in response to your classmates.

1. How did Hamilton's economic plans (not including the national bank) reflect his assertion that the Constitution was not 'high toned enough.'?

2. Create a chart that summarizes the strengths and criticisms of Hamilton's plan

3. Despite its passage in Congress, why did the debate over assumption and funding not cease?

4. How did the Whiskey Rebellion relate to the growth of the national government?

5. Why did the French Revolution present a serious test for the United States?

6. How did the French Revolution affect ordinary people in the United States?

7. Overall, evaluate the political climate that formed during Washington's presidency.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Federalist 10 and 51

Hello there, for your reading you will write a one page response to the following questions:

1. What did Madison mean by 'factions'? In what ways are factions present today?

2. In Federalist 51, what did Madison present as the most efficient way of governing the nation? How did his way address his thesis in No. 10?

Additionally, you will be required to write at least three solid comments on the blog over the course of the next week, either stating some observations you made while writing your response, reading the documents, or responding to a classmate's comment. Of course appropriate grammar is expected and respect your fellow classmates! Have fun...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Critical Period

Respond to the following prompt... despite the number of 'cons' to the Articles of Confederation, did it provide a stable form of government for the period in which it was in effect?

Post two comments...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Colonial Resistance

After completing our discussion about colonial dissent today, it's important that you focus on the initial do now question from two days ago: to what extent did social class and geography affect one's feelings towards Britain during the 1760's/70's? If you were to add gender to that question, what would you say? Post two comments, one a good solid answer to the question, and a second that is in response to your classmates.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Colonial Resistance

After our initial discussion in class, as well as your readings in the textbook, how has your viewpoint changed, if at all, about the issue of colonial grievances against the British? Post two comments, the first sharing how your viewpoint before class compared to it after, and the second a response to your classmates. Feel free to post more than two comments if necessary.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Last of the Mohicans open blog

During the course of the next two nights, post at least three comments in regards to the film Last of the Mohicans. While a fictional tale, the film nevertheless offers a somewhat accurate portrayal of the period you are learning about. In your posts, explain how the film addresses any of the issues that we've either discussed in class or you've read in the textbook, namely the military and relationship ones. Be specific in your examples. As always, be sure to comment on your classmates' observations.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

essay topic

Here is your short essay assignment: In one page or less, prove how British mercantilist interests played a role both during and after the French and Indian War. Give at least two supporting examples that support your thesis.

Friday, September 11, 2009

French and Indian War

For this assignment, post two comments about the following question. Your first comment will be your answer to the question, and the second will be in response to your classmates.

After our initial discussion in class, what military, financial, and relationship issues that arose during the French and Indian War affected future events the most? Choose one answer for each of the categories listed in the question. In choosing your answer, be sure to include valid points that support your stance.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Discussion questions for pp. 162-172

Answer the following questions as you read the section:

1. How did the English Parliament affect the economic development of the colonies?

2. What initiated most of the conflicts that arose in the interior portions of North America?

3. Why did early British efforts to gain portions of the frontier fail?

4. How did the British war effort before William Pitt's tenure as British secretary of state compare afterwards?

5. What finally turned the tide of battle in the British's favor?

6. Agree/disagree: the removal of the French from North America only emboldened Great Britain to tighten their grip on the colonies.

7. In what ways did the war affect how the colonists and British viewed each other?

8. While Pitt's decisions enabled Britain to win the French and Indian War, did they account for long term consquences? How/how not?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Welcome to the place where your class discussions know no bounds! This will be the forum for continuing discussions and additional homework questions.  The rules are simple: no inappropriate language, show respect to your classmates, and be formal in how you structure sentences, etc.  That's it, have fun!